International institutions I have worked with…
International references (alphabetic)
ARC2020, Agricultural and Rural Convention, international discussion platform on sustainable agriculture (F)
Online contributions.
ARTE and zero one film GmbH, Berlin (EU)
Consultation to zero one film project on Europe’s agriculture and food economy “Europe Revealed”, backgroundpaper and workshop in Berlin.
Agricultural Research Institute (Embrapa), Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien (BR)
Lecture “An Applicable Field Method for the Evaluation of Soil Vitality”, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Tropical and Subtropical Highlands with special Reference to Latin America (SATHLA)
Agricultural Cooperative Klagenfurt (A)
Anniversary lecture 100 years of Cooperative “Precision is not enough, we must transform the agricultural system”.
Better Cotton Initiative, (CH)
Development of an international soil management training tool for farmers and farm advisors.
Biennale Warszawa (PO), Panel discussion on digitalization in agriculture.
Training events.
Bioland Südtirol e.v. (I)
Training events.
Bioaustria (A)
Training events throughout Austria.
Consultance and cooperation in development of a soil analysis app for farmers to share their observations on soil health and improve decision-making on soil fertility.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) (D)
Contribution to the brochure “Sustainable Land Management. Guidelines for Impact Monitoring.”
Co-author of the Guidebook “Ecosystem Soil – Bringing nature-based solutions on climate change and biodiversity conservation down to earth”
European Environmental Bureau (EBB) (BE)
Support to and presentation of the study: “Carbon Farming for Climate, Nature, and Farmers report”
European Milk Board (EU)
Several years of political consultation and development of the European representation structures
European Land and Soil Alliance (EU)
Planning and organisation of various conferences, moderation, articles in the journal “Local Land and Soil News” on “Climate protection at the expense of soil protection” and on “Training and consultancy in agricultural soil management”.
Lecture and workshop: Climate-smart agriculture: myths and facts; carbon farming
at the international conference soil and climate
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EU)
Scientific advice on the development of the Soil Protection Directive, development of a “Toolkit” for qualitative soil assessment for farmers.
European Commission (EU)
Member of Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Farming Practice, EGTOP
Member of Expertpool of EU Soil Mission
Interview podcast “Food for Europe”
- Study on the European protein deficit and the local cultivation of legumes.
- Study on land grabbing
- Analysis and position on sustainable agriculture and why it is not being done
- Study on the state of Europe’s agricultural soils
- Study on climate and agriculture
- Commentary on the F2F and Biodiversity Strategy
- Study on Greenwashing and (un-) sustainable solutions for agriculture
- Factsheets on food security and war in Ukraine
- Factsheet on Foodquality
- Factsheet on Foodlabelling
- Factsheet on cellular meat
- Factsheet on carbon farming
FIBL – Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIbL), Frick, (CH)
Seminar on soil evaluation and promoting soil fertility
Podcast on regenerative agriculture
giz (D)
Co-Author Guidebook “Sustainable Land Management. Guidelines for Impact Monitoring.”
Co-Author Guidebook “Down to earth – why soils play a key role in ecosystem-based adaptation. (Ed.): giz/BMUV”
Institute for Regional Development, University Helsinki, Mikkeli, Finland (FI)
Training events and seminars for agricultural advisors in conventional and organic farming.
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, IFOAM
Presentation “Extended Spadediagnosis – an applicable field method…”,13th international IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel.
KfW Development Bank
Presentations “Agroecology” and “Sustainable Soil Management” as part of the GSS Retreat at the Collegium Glashütten.
Konsumdialoge Steyr (AT)
Vortrag zu Bodenvielfalt und Nutzung
Lidl Switzerland (CH)
Consultancy on climate and biodiversity protection measures in the food sector and in agriculture as part of a benchmark analysis.
MISEREOR, Aachen (D)
Advising on the development of the Bolivian Soil Protection Act.
Commenting on the position paper of the BMVEL on paragraph 17 of the German Federal Soil Protection Act.
“Principles and recommendations for action on good professional practice in agricultural soil use”.
Nestlé Germany, Environmental Advisory Board: Presentation on regenerative agriculture.
Purdue University, West Lafayette (USA)
Lecture “An Applicable Field Method for the Evaluation of Soil-Function-Parameters”, International Soil Conservation Organisation Conference.
Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FIbL), Frick, (CH)
Seminar on soil evaluation and improvement of soil fertility
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Dan KOOK Universität, Süd- Korea (KR)
Lecture „Maintaining ecological soil functions – techniques in organic farming systems, Conference of Korean Organic Agriculture, Seoul.
SOS – safe our seeds
Presentation “The alphabet of complexity”: “C as in “corporate power. How the reductionist vision of science is used in corporate techno-fixes.
Presentation “The Alphabet of Complexity”:
“M as in “malnourished. How do methods of food production and processing influence the quality and nutritious value of food?
SCAPE – Soil Conservation and Protection for Europe (EU)
Lecture on soil analysis. Scientific advice on the elaboration of the European Soil Protection Directive, preparation of a “Toolkit” for qualitative soil assessment in EN and DE for farmers
Qualitative soil analysis of about 250 fields, development of soil protection management module, several years of training events for contract farmers.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Seminar on soil evaluation for doctoral students
Kick-off event Soil Pioneers 2050, Lecture: Soil building management systems in practice – experiences and visions
Utrecht University (NL)
Supervision of master thesis on carbon farming
Verband Thurgauer Landwirtschaft, Müllheim (CH) : Spring Soil Day organised by the Future of Agriculture Commission. Lecture: “Ebb and flow in Thurgau, how much drought can my soil cope with, how much water does it store during heavy rainfall.”
Youth Climate Summit Heidelberg
Workshop “Climate Mitigation through Sustainable Land Use and Agriculture”